
Encocoinplus Masternode, Status : ENABLED [Claim]
1944.80 EPG
0.00120578 BTC
$ 67.263
€ 55.344
Masternode price
3500 EPG
0.00217000 BTC
$ 121.050
€ 99.601
Real profit
-1555.20 EPG
-0.00096422 BTC
-$ 53.788
-€ 44.257
Last Masternode reward
56 min 44 sec
Next reward
55 min 16 sec
Please note! This parameter is based on avg masternode reward.
Global avg MN reward
1 h 52 min 4 sec
Please note! This parameter is based on avg masternode reward. First reward period will be approximately double this time.
This masternode avg reward
1 h 14 min 50 sec
Please note! This parameter is based on this masternode reward.
Encocoinplus masternode stats
Total balance:7814.665 EPG
Total balance BTC:0.00484509
Total balance FIAT: $ 270.277 / € 222.385
Masternode price BTC:0.00217000
Masternode price FIAT:$ 121.050 / € 99.601
Total masternode reward BTC:0.00120578
Total masternode reward FIAT:$ 67.263 / € 55.344
Total received:21732.295 EPG
Total received BTC:0.01347402
Total received FIAT:$ 751.630 / € 618.444
Total sent:-13917.630 EPG
Total sent BTC:-0.00862893
Total sent FIAT:-$ 481.353 / -€ 396.059

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TimestampBlockHashAmount (EPG)Balance (EPG)TX Type